Shedding Cuke!!!!


New Member
Last night my wife was looking at my tank, and she noticed that my cuke seemed to be shedding its skin. Is this common? Or, do I have a problem? Thanks for the input.

kris walker

Active Member
Well, I can't answer you, but I can ask another question to bump this back up to the top. What is a cuke? Type of leather coral or something?


i have a cuke and it shead two times in a year that i have noticed.... it is bright each time after :)


Active Member
I have two and they shed every 2-4 weeks, bigger and brighter when they are through, just a molt like crabs or shrimp, although not exactly ;)


If a cuke dies, it releases a toxin that can kill your whole tank right? How long after it dies does it release the toxin? Sorry to ask a question inside your question, but I though the cuke people would be looking :).


Active Member
Yes, most cukes release toxins when they die, but as to how harmfull this is to your tank it depends on what type of cuke you have. I havent heard many horror stories when the cuke in question is the sand moping kind, but the sea apples are definitely known to take out entire systems upon death, im sure that goes for most of the really colorful ones. In nature brightly colored organisms usually stand for posionous. HTH