Sherlock Holmes needed!



My tank has been up and running very successfully for a year now. I do have one recurring "problem" which I can't seem to figure out and I was hoping someone could figure out what's going on. Every time I feed my critters, I get a microbubble explosion. At other times, my water is crystal. The only correlation I see is the feeding (which is every other day). Any ideas why this is happening? Here is my setup and parameters:
Tank: Reef Ready Oceanic 72 bowfront
Sump: Oceanic 2
Pump: Sequence Reefflo Dart
Skimmer: EuroReef CS6-1
Prefilter: 100 micro bag
PH's: 2 Maxijet 1200's
pH: 8.2
Ammo and Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5
Cal: 500
Sal: 35ppt
All fish, inverts, and corals doing very well.
Any ideas???


Active Member
you should be feeding atleast once a day, i feed my reef 3 times a day. so you need to correct that issue.
Second ...not a clue on the much are you feeding?
and your nitrates are high, they should be at zero


hmm... I have a similar promblem... but I know what it is... I alway have bubbles on my LR and LS... not a lot but some. when I feed... my pain in the butt fish go crazy knocking into things releasing the bubbles that get sucked up by my sweepers. and that is how It happens in my tank.... weird... but that's it.


Active Member
i also feed about every other day. in an established reef there it plenty for the fish to pick at all day. feeding three times a day in my reef would be a waste not to mention the algea it would cause in the long run


dude... open your eyes..... a well established reef tank is full of fish food! over feeding is one of the top causes for high nutrients in a reef tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by latino277
dude... open your eyes..... a well established reef tank is full of fish food! over feeding is one of the top causes for high nutrients in a reef tank.

you dont need to feed them massive amounts. and my tank is full of food for my fish..doesn't mean they dont need meety food..etc
just keep your fish healthy! my way,your long as it works :)


Active Member
you guys dont have plants in your tanks?
LOL..when he said pods i saw the word " polyp " for some reason
im a dork.


... Now I think it's time for you to go read a book....
I can give you a couple if you like! :happy: :joy: :happyfish


Active Member
Big911dog, I was told that when you feed sometimes while running a skimmer that you will get a massive explosion of micro bubbles. Are you using a skimmer?


Active Member
Nitrate levels at 5 are fine.
Feeding every other day is fine, depending on your fish (eg BAD for searhorses and anthias, fine for predators). In between there is a range :yes:
What sort of foods do you feed? Feeding can definitely cause skimmers to go nuts do to, I think, surface tension that might very well be it.


I feed a combo of formula one (frozen) and cyclopeeze. My two anemones get chunks of shrimp or silversides. Everyone grazes on the plethora of Pods (small live ANIMALS) at other times.
Jer4916: Thanks for the feeding tips, but my critters are VERY happy and I'll keep my schedule. I agree with Ophira. A nitrate level of 5 is fine. (Rest assured I read LOTS of books on reefkeeping BEFORE starting the tank).
I think everyone else is on track. Its probably just the protein skimmer doing its job which means there's not a lot I can do about it.
Thanks everyone for the input!