Shipping Live Rock


New Member
I purchased 65lbs of live rock on ----. Prior to being shipped it had been in a aquarium with some die off. It was shipped on the June 21st UPS 2nd day ground. Well make a long story short, UPS failed to place it on the truck in Pennsylvania and now it will be monday before it arrives. It is packed in a plastic trach bag with paper towels that soaked with salt water. What are my chances of it surviving and what should I do when it arrives?


Active Member
You'll have to cure it when it arrives. Put it in a bin of saltwater with a heater and some circulation and wait a few weeks until the ammonia and nitrite levels return to 0. Then it's safe to add to your tank. Even if the LR arrived on the 2nd day you'd still have to cure it. If you're about to cycle your tank you could just place the rocks in the tank and cure it there. HTH


Active Member
not trying to jump thread i always hear when curing lr heater powerhead saltwter and no light 2 things what temperature for curing(i live in west tx temp over 100 all the time) and why no light i thought that was good for growth?


Active Member
Hmmm wow that took me a while to figure out what you were asking.

78-82 degrees will be fine.
You can use a light, but the increased nitrates and phosphates from the curing process with the light would grow a ton of algae.