Shippment still in box


New Member
Hi All,
just got my shippment of a Pygmy Angel and some invert. package this morning..but it will be 6 more hours before I can get home and acclimate them.
I want to know if it's ok to wait that long?
Any other care or special handling I need to be aware other then the acclimation procedure as outlined here in
Thanks in advance!


That is one of the biggest problems I would have with ordering products online. I would not feel comfortable if I was not home the moment the package arrived to put the fish/critters into the tank. These poor fish go through a lot, and I say it is best to keep them boxed up for the minimum amount of time.
:happyfish :happyfish


You have to remember these guys have to travel some ? to ? hours to get to your house and then another six hours waiting for you and then another 2-3 hours of acclimation time. I'm not trying to worry you, but that amount of time in the same water producing waste and ammonia is pushing it. That's the bad thing about ordering fish on line. Yeah it saves you a few $$$ but you will probably loose more $$$$ than you saved. I did this once and once only. I had to order $150.00 worth of fish for them to send out the order. I got five fish and as you know, that's way too many to put into a tank at one time; even if it is well established! Lucky for me (and my fish) I had two tanks and a hospital tank, so there were no losses. To me, it was not worth the stress and hastle...IMO.


New Member
Just an update about my shippment:
Since this is the first time getting a fish in my order, I was a little concern. After opening the bag and letting the(little!) Pygmy angel out, I was amazed that it was swimming against water current pour from the bag! Wow:happyfish
The very last time I made a purchase here was a few years ago, only some clean up crew.
I am sure time will be the essence to see my little fish flourish :)


Active Member
How did you acclimate the fish? It is also not a good idea to mix the shipping water in with your display tank water as this is how disease can be introducted to your system. Not certain if this is what you did but it appears so from your post.


New Member
What i meant was by pouring the fish out from the bag to the bucket. Haha when I was a kid, we just pour out our freshwater friends directly into the tank.
Yes, I did acclimated by the drip methods. Took about 3hrs.Sorry for the confusion!:happyfish
Just an update:
This little pygmy angel from SWF is eating and discovering the nooks and cranny of the Liverocks! However, I had to remove a yellow damsel because of it's nasty behavior toward the angel:nope: