Shoal/schooling fish

kung fu

What would be the best shoal species (in a reef setting)? I've noticed in other posts that the firefish is kind of hit or miss...what's a good species 99% of the time.
(Green Chromis seems to get mentioned a lot). Others?


I would say Tangs. Yellow tangs. If anyone had a large enough tank that would be something to see. Sorry - that just came to me when i thought about when i was in hawaii snorkling. They did school together out there.
otherwise i don't know :cool:

kung fu

110 gal reef tank...
Was planning a shoal of Green Chromis...but as I mentioned before I'm open to better suggestions...
Also have planned a Kole Tang, Percula Clown, probably a bicolor blenny, perhaps a mandarin.
Low on the fish side...higher on the inverts and coral...


Active Member
good choices, and definitely,IMO, not overstocked, the chromi are great schooler, the only thing is getting them to live to your aquarium, if they make ti that far, they do rather well and are easy to keep(most die in shipping, either to the lfs, or your tank, but after that), they will also add plenty of activity to your tank
why don't you also get a pair of perculas, instead of one, and the kole's tang, gotta love em, they are socute(as my wife says), they are much more interesting looking in person than in pics


Yellow tangs? You know I have heard that more than one place. Do some reseach however I have heard that if you put 3 or more yellow tangs together they will school. i have a 150 how. next week i will be setting up a 300 ga. i may just try it. good luck


Well you have to figure, out on the reef there were just hundreds of them swimming around, kind of like a school. I don't see why it wouldn't happen in a tank if it were large enough. Actually the doctor that is part owner of the lfs my girlfriend works at has a 500g tank in the waiting room and has probably 5 or so yellows and a few purples also. He may even have a sailfin in there also. Only ever seen it once but i know he had a bunch of yellow tangs. I could just see a nice public Aquarium having a ton of yellows.
Now that i think about it that docs tank looks really neat when you see a bunch of yellows and then the two purples come swimming into the group. The contasting colors look good expecially with a large purple followed by a baby one.