Shoaling butterflies


New Member
Hey guys, I was wonder which species of butterflyfish can be kept in a shoal. I'm pretty sure Heniochus species can, but I really like the Raccoon Butterfly (saw a bunch in Hawaii; was hooked ever since) but I'm not sure how good they would do beyond a pair. Any ideas?


Active Member
There are several species that shoal;
Heniochus, Collare(Pakistan), C. falcula and ulietensis (saddleback and double saddleback), Kleins, semilarvatus, pyramid, are some of the ones most commonly seen in the trade.
To even consider a small group of any you'd need a very large system.


New Member
Now those species will shoal in captivity, will they? Or just in the wild or in a tank of many hundreds of gallons (like a public aquarium)?


Active Member
In a closed system, all bets are off. Similar to angels which can be seen in harems in the wild, put two of them in a tank and they often fight. In a tank of several hundred gallons, it's more likely they would co-exist. I've seen groups of henis and semilarvatus in tanks in the 5-600 gallon range that will hang together. In the average home tank, usually one bf of the same species. Sometimes pairs can be formed.