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New Member
I am looking for a uv sterilizer what brand is the best, 135gal.
Marine Biosediment for refugium how much, do i need it. 20gal.
Nature's Ocean substrate. No Waiting...just add fish. on this site
Can I paint pvc and put in tank? I don't think so, Just want to know for sure
Any thing else I should get?


Active Member
The Coralife Turbotwist is a highly recommended uv/sterilizer
I don't know anything about using marine biosediment
Nature's Ocean substrate is well used but I would still wait for the system to cycle.
Painting any pvc that will be in the water is not a good idea.
that 10 year old sea salt should be replaced just to be on the safe side.


Active Member
Originally Posted by showmenow
Nature's Ocean substrate. No Waiting...just add fish. on this site you should still wait and cycle your tank properly
Can I paint pvc and put in tank? no
see thge red lettering