short TDY= DEATH!


New Member
Well, I just returned from a short school at Lackland AFB only to find mass devastation in my aquarium. I left pretty detailed instructions for my roommate to follow, but obviously something went horribly wrong. All I'm left with is a few discosoma and a maroon clown (whom I absolutely detest). Not even my now ex-wife caused such havoc after the 4 months I was the desert! I'm really beginning to wonder if a career in the military is conducive to successful reef keeping. So, I'd like to hear from anyone who has gone through a similar crash and what they did to recover. Right now I am at a complete loss. The only thing going through my mind is a strong desire to squirt a palythoa polyp in my roommate's eye and hit him in the junk with some sort of large wooden object. Perhaps a bar stool? Anyway, anyone's experiences or opinions would be much appreciated.
If you were planing on paying you're room mate the obviously don't!! When my dad whent on TDY a few years ago i still dident know too much about keeping fish, most of them died. Cheak water peameters.


Active Member
When I went to Afghanistan I lost almost everything in my 55g. But when i go to short stuff, schools wife seems to do fine, it's the long haul she is not ready for.


Well-Known Member
If your TDY was less that two weeks, you shouldn't have done anything. For longer TDYs you may want to consider what you had your friend doing. For instance you could forgo weekly water changes for a couple of months.
Sorry about the mess.


New Member
I went out of town for two weeks on an assignment and My wife took care of my tank. The system crash and kill half of my stony corals stock. Lucky, I got home just in time to do 50% water change and bring the system back in line.
Now, If I leave on assignment, I ask my wife to do 10gl water change once a week and leave the additive alone.


Active Member
Hey SeanKotch
What lfs are you going to. I use to live in valdosta and always went to exotic fish on northside dr. Jim seems pretty knowelagable but be careful because that lady that works there will tell you to cycle your tank with 15 damsels or atleast she told me that. Luckily i had found this board!


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Steven the Fish
Het SeanKotch have you been to Holloman AFB?

Gee I was stationed there. rocket sled track. early 80's. loved it.


New Member
Hey sorry it took so long to post a reply, but I've been way TOO busy. I really didn't have my roomate doing much other than lite feeding and top off water. My instructions for both were pretty specific. As to the quetsion if I ever went to Jim's LFS: sure do. After my old lady left me I started working there part time. Boy do I ever butt heads with them on some of the stuff they say. I', more of a "more biology and less technology" sort of guy. Jim's a good guy though and has been pretty helpful to me over the last few weeks. To all you guys from Holloman I have just one thing to say: god do I ever hate NM! I lived in Albuquerque for years and detested every stinking moment of it. When I joined the AF, that's where Uncle Sugar sent me. That's where my ex wife is from. Wretched state!


I've gone out on two 2 month patrols (submarines) and my wife has never had one problem. Actually, I think they might do better because she doesn't mess with everything as much, she just doses as instructed and keeps glass clean and rocks/corals free of sand/detritus buildup. (squirts everything off with baster).
Too many tank crashes with wife's/roommates... I feel lucky to have someone that can take care of the tank while I'm away. Fortunately I only have one more patrol, so I don't have to worry about it too much longer.