Shortest tank for large fish?


New Member
What is the shortest tank you could have for large fish (angels, tangs, triggers) given a large enough footprint? 12"', 16", 20", etc.?
edit: when i say "the shortest" i mean from bottom of tank to top of tank.


Active Member
That depends on the overall adult size of the fish. Some Tangs will only grow to 10", while others will grow to over 18". Same with Triggers...some will stay 10", while others will grow to over 24".
IMO/IME, I wouldnt put any species of the three fish in anything less than a 6' long tank, and at least 24" wide (front to back).


Active Member
The dwarf angels can go in tanks that are 48" long easily. Some of the smaller tangs can also like the Kole Tang for ex. but I agree the regular angels, tangs and triggers should go in longer tanks.
Some people will disagree and say they can go in smaller tanks.


New Member
i guess i didnt make the question clear enough. when i say shortest i mean top to bottom. previous post edited


Active Member to bottom...
Unless you're making your own tank, the shortest you're regularly gonna find is 18"...get up above 75gal. and they're gonna be 24". My 200gal. is 30" tall and there are some people with even deeper tanks.
18", IMO, would be a little shallow for larger fish, but 24" would be just fine.