shortest time to cycle?


Please list the time it took your tank to cycle (initial cycle), your initial Nitrogen source (Damsels, commercial source, grocery store shrimp etc...), size of tank, and what type of filteration you had during the initial cycling. Just curious.


Mine cycled in just over a week. It's a 55 g and I started with 45-50 lbs LR (from SWF) and ~70 lbs southdown sand and put a cocktail shrimp in for 1 day. I also had 2 maxi-jet 1200's running. AFter the ammonia dropped, I added 20 lbs live sand (also from SWF). At 2 weeks, I started moving some of the hermits from my old tank to the new one. 2 months later, I have moved 3 fish over and turned on my skimmer.


I think mine was two weeks, then again I put chemicals when I first started (duhh?!?!!). It should've taken less, but yeah it's about two weeks. I first started with 3 lbs of lr, and some ls. Not long afer that I put my sebae clown in there. The next day, damsel, crazy? Yeah I was. I ended up giving the damsel back to the lfs. Don't like him. But the clown is still alive till now. I had a penguin biowheel filter going on when I first started, and it's still there now. That's about it. Oh yeah I added the BIOZYME, works for me.


Active Member
mine took about 2 weeks to cycle, using cured lr and ls, but i still waite about 2 more weeks(maybe 1+) to make sure all was stable befoe adding fish
33 gal. 34 days into cycle still showing ammo. but had my ammo. spike and nitrite spike, trates are @ 60. cycled with 3 damsels. approx. 25-30 lbs l/r, cc substrate, fluval 304 cannister, 2 aqauclear 304 ph's and 2 other ph's another brand. i really feel that my cycle is complete but am having some sort of a prob. with that exsisting ammo @ .25. going to have my lfs check it for me to be absolutely sure though.