Shot a photo of something wierd today.

Cool Rye!! Wish I could do that kinda stuff with pictures! :D
I would have to agree with've got some major water quality issues!


Active Member
Holy Smokes!! :eek: I didn't even notice the Lemonpeel Angels in the foreground!! Wow!
As far as too much thyme on my hands goes.......I have been grilling out a lot lately and seasoning up some steaks and chicken pretty often......bound to get a little thyme on your hands somehow. :) I will try washing them just for you guys.


Active Member reminded me of a pleasant old experience and thus I am now sharing my random story for today:
So the airport I learned to fly at was bounded on 3 sides by roads and on one side by a creek/river. Every now and then it would rain hard enough to make the river flood. When the river flooded there would be little streams that would run on each side the length of the longest runway at the airport. Now there's a thing called a NOTAM (Notice to airmen)...typically when you are approaching any fair sized airport or taking off from one you tune to a general frequency that will give you all pertinent information for the airport and it concludes with NOTAMs...these can include anything from a runway being closed, to deer on runways, to bird activity in the vicinity of the airport. So one day, sitting on the ground listening to NOTAMs before calling the ground controller I hear "Notice to airmen, caution, fish activity on runways." No joke, taxing out to the runway there were fish swimming alongsides the runways and taxiways in little streams :)


Ryan, I think your tank is over stocked, 4 lemon peels in a that small tank, too much alg and top of the water looks a little bit "cloudly" :p