Should cheato be on a 24hr or reverse light cycle?


Which will give the best results? I would assume a 24/hr cycle since that puts it in constant photosynthesis and thus constant growth. However, I'm not sure how well it would take to constant lighting (some plants do great, others do not). Currently I have it on a reverse cycle, putting it at 14hrs/day since my DT is only on for 8hrs/day (had to counter a diatom problem).
My fuge is about 8g of a 10g tank with a dsb and a water level approximately 1 1/2 inch below the tank top. I have 2x10w PC's in an incandescent hood.


I have some of my tanks with the chaeto getting light 24/7 others only get it 10-12 hours and to me they all grow about the same.FAST


Active Member
i think i remember reading somewhere they need some time with the lights off. so 14 hrs seems good to me rather than 24 hrs. hopefully someone else will know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
i think i remember reading somewhere they need some time with the lights off. so 14 hrs seems good to me rather than 24 hrs. hopefully someone else will know.
I keep the light on my Chaeto for 14hrs, it feels right and it is growing like crazy!


Alright, I'll stick with my current light cycle. I'm hoping it grows quickly as I had to pull a huge nitrate sink from my tank to add the cheato (i.e. I pulled my fuge-filling caulerpa out before it went sexual).


Active Member
I have mine on the opposite cycle as my MT lights. Stabilizes phosphates or something. I may be way off here, but it balances something.
Can't think of the correct parameter though. Sorry


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
I have mine on the opposite cycle as my MT lights. Stabilizes phosphates or something. I may be way off here, but it balances something.
Can't think of the correct parameter though. Sorry
I heard that some people do that as well,, but my fish would never sleep because i have a HOT. ALSO i think, im pretty sure its to stablize PH,, some people told me that they have PH drops significally at night, and this helps to stablize it!


Active Member
It stabilizes pH because with a reverse light cycle/24 hr. light cycle photosynthesis is occurring somewhere in your system at all times. As long as photosynthesis is occurring, carbon dioxide is being constantly consumed, which prevents the formation of carbonic acid and the decrease in pH. Your fish and invertebrates are constantly producing carbon dioxide via respiration.
O2 + C6H12O6 ---> CO2 + H2O
Formation of Carbonic Acid:
CO2 + H2O <---> H2CO3
CO2 + H2O + Light ---> O2 + C6H12O6


Active Member
To answer your question, I would go with a reverse cycle and 12-14 hr. light period; it is more natural.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
To answer your question, I would go with a reverse cycle and 12-14 hr. light period; it is more natural.

Bone you are a smart dude! Chemistry buff? I knew that was the reason but i did not know how to brake that down scientifically!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Bone you are a smart dude! Chemistry buff? I knew that was the reason but i did not know how to brake that down scientifically!

Not too smart!
<--- Me in real life.
I had a couple of chemistry classes. I was a strange one and really enjoyed them, learned some stuff and most of it managed to stay up there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
I heard that some people do that as well,, but my fish would never sleep because i have a HOT. ALSO i think, im pretty sure its to stablize PH,, some people told me that they have PH drops significally at night, and this helps to stablize it!

By HOT do you mean hang on tank fuge? I have one of those but I still run the lights on it opposite my DT. Should I not be doing this b/c of the fish sleeping? I asked on here awhile ago and was told it was okay if the tank has some illumination at night. Anyway, I've been doing this for a couple of months and the fish are fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
By HOT do you mean hang on tank fuge? I have one of those but I still run the lights on it opposite my DT. Should I not be doing this b/c of the fish sleeping? I asked on here awhile ago and was told it was okay if the tank has some illumination at night. Anyway, I've been doing this for a couple of months and the fish are fine.
I Would leave it as you have it if you are not experiencing any problems, Many people choose to run with and oposite thier DT lights, I happen to run at the same time and i am not experiencing any inconsistancies with my PH.. p.s Alyssia I wrote you a little story on my Little Spiney Blue in this forum yesterday,, pretty funny! regards!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
I Would leave it as you have it if you are not experiencing any problems, Many people choose to run with and oposite thier DT lights, I happen to run at the same time and i am not experiencing any inconsistancies with my PH.. p.s Alyssia I wrote you a little story on my Little Spiney Blue in this forum yesterday,, pretty funny! regards!

Ok I found it!


if you have a HOT perhaps put a peice of opaque acrylic between it and the tank.
at least for a while you can see if it helps water parrameters enough to warrant that method of lighting for you.


You could also put a tank backing to seperate the fuge light from the DT.
Thanks for the help guys. I can't wait for the cheato to take off...maybe I'll start selling it back to my lfs :)


Active Member
I have a tank background. The light sits up above the fuge so it shines down in the tank. But ike I said before, it hasn't been a problem.


I have a HOT, and I keep my light on 24/7 but my DT light hood blocks most of the light. I haven't noticed a problem with the fish in my DT not sleeping, even with a little bit of light shining through


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gexkko
Alright, I'll stick with my current light cycle. I'm hoping it grows quickly as I had to pull a huge nitrate sink from my tank to add the cheato (i.e. I pulled my fuge-filling caulerpa out before it went sexual).
How did it go removing the caulerpa and adding the chaeto?
I have a mix of caulerpa and chaeto right now, and I will remove all caulerpa soon and go with stright chaeto. But like you said, my caulerpa is rocking the 0 nitrates, so I hope my transition goes as smoothly.