Should False Percs be in pairs?



Can someone help me here?
I have a 29gallon tank with PERFECT test results in every category.
It's about 4 months old now and has live rock, anemone, emerald crab, snails, hermits, and 1 false perc.
The False perc is doing great, however, I want to add another. With the one already staking the anemone as his territory, can I add another without problem?


Without a problem? I doubt it. I'm almost sure there will be some fishy tail slapping I'm the boss type thing going on at first but it might work itself out in the end. How old is the one you have now, or how large is it? You might simply want to get a young one to put in with him and in time they may learn to get along.
Optionally you can take the one back and pick up two at the same time, this option would give you the least amount of hassle.


Active Member
I agree with the taking the one back and getting two. Trying to put a clown in with another clown after one is already established is not that great of a idea... sure they will eventually pair in most cases.. but the established clown will beat the crap out of the other clown, causing stress and possibly disease.
You might try removing the clown you currently have and rearrange the rocks. Then put a smaller clown with your old clown and hope for the best.