Should I be concerned about this


I checked my salinity today and it is around 1.019-1.020. Now I know I just shouldn't throw sea salt in there. I have an idea on how to get it back up, but I am going to do it over time. When I top off my water I will mix it is with that water so it is diluted.
My major concern is my inverts and my fish. Will they be harmed if my salinity stays this way for about a week(until I add top off water again)?
I have 15 hermits, 5 astreas, 2 yellow tail damsels and one True Perc. I have a 9 week 55 gallon tank. Is this OK?


i wouldn't be too concerned...i have run my salinity that low before for a while and my fish were fine...


Active Member
The fish will be fine. Some LFS keep there tanks at low salinity to stop diseases from getting a foothold in there tanks. The inverts may have a problem as they do not like low salinity. What type of inverts matters too.