Should I be concerned now?


Okay guys this is a post in response to my other one titled " A Frog and a Toad".
My toadstool has been in my tank now for 5 days. It has never fully opened up. Occasionally It will peck its stickers out....I know they are feeder!
But that is it. Should I be concerned? The last post they said to give a couple more days and it has been a couple more days. I will try to get a clear picture and post it.
I have had all water parameters tested and they are as follows
Nitrite. 0
Nitrates <.3
ph 8.3
calcium 450
alk 8
It so happens this toad was bought from an online provider and no not this site. I also purchased a green open brain and it looks like hell from the shipping. I am try to nurse it back to health. I can deal with it but my toadstool has me stumpped. Any ideas? :help:


Active Member
no, it took mine 10 days. i would say let him adjust and especialy if it came offline and not my 5 min drive, how many day shipping?


Active Member
i agree, give it some time. mine took a lil while to fully open. IMO it's just getting used to ur tank. how did you acclimate it? my open brain took a while to fully open also. i wouldn't worry quite yet. how is ur lighting conditions?


I acclimated it according to the instruction...drip method. I have 440 watts of pc 50/50. I diffently think the brain is dying as I see parts of the skeleton showing. I won't worry yet. the 5 day guarantee ran out today anyway. i guess it is a wait and see game! :eek:
thanks for the info!!!!