Should I be Concerned ?

I had my first death today a Yellow tail Damsell. I checked all the water levels and everything is as follows:
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
PH 8.2
Calcium 450
Alk Good
This is a New Tank With 75LR CC for base and my water looks great ? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


thats crazy, if you kill a damsel something
is definately wrong with your tank, damsels
are almost impossible to kill.
How long have you had your tank? Is there any other fish in your tank that appear to be sick?
Maybe you just had a sick one...
R.I.P. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />***********.com/images/products/large/pw_70444yellowtail_damsel.jpg


Sorry for your loss. Souljah is right though, it is almost impossible to kill a damsel. They are one of the hardiest fish there is. Take your water to your lfs to get it tested. They usually do it for free. If they find that the water is good too, you probably just had a sick fish.
It seems a little suspicious to me that your fish would die with those water parameters. Maybe he was bullied aroundtoo much. They are VERY hardy fish.
if this occured at the end of the cycle i wouldn't be shocked b.c. for me my cycle ended within 2 wks and the stress was so bad on the yellow tailed they all died..


I'd suspect one got bullied to death before i would sickness. I cycled with four 3-stripe damsels (didn't know any better) and three ganged up on the smallest one and impaled it on a piece of decorative coral. What a horror to wake up to <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


Active Member
I would keep an eye on it, but just because he was hardy doesn't make him immortal. Fish die form many reasons just like people. There is old age, do you really know the age of these adult animals we buy, physical defects, degenerative problems, shoot for all we know ha could have had a heart problem, cancer or anything.
When something dies always look for problems that could have lead to the death that you may have to fix. But don't get to bent out of shape if you can't find it and don't jump to far for conclusions. Sometimes its a benign problem isolated to that animal. Just keep your eyes open. GL