Should I be scared of aggressive fish?


I am planning on starting an aggressive tank in the near future and have a concern. I constantly have my hands in my reef tank fixing something...i know not a good idea. But how aggressive are fish/eels when placing your hands in the tank for maintenance activites? How do you get them out if you need to..etc.
1 or 2 snowflake eels
maybe dwarf lion or some other small trigger
it will be a 58G w/ wet/dry etc, etc, etc


If you are plaining to have a lion the only thing that you have to watch out for is were it is in the tank when you put you hand in, the sting is painfull. They will not go after your hand. I have two snowflakes in different tanks and they will not bother you, I don't think putting two eel in a tank that size will work, as they get older they might cause a problem for each other, also the trigger will for for a while in that size tank but they get large and like to do alot of swimming and that size will end up being too small, It will be some time before that happens though. Alot of people have a problem with triggers and lions in the same tank, I myself have never done it. Just my two cents. Good Luck


snowflakes do amazingly well with all types of fish (as long as they wont fit in its mouth)... you could do a dwarf lion in a 58 for a long time.. also i have had a clown trigger bit my finger. very painful


I have been very lucky with my lion, its very health and also friendly. I can put my hands in the tank anywere and he will not bother me. I think ha knows the hand that feeds him! Even if Im moving somthing and he is near a corner he just calmly moves out of the way.
definatly one of the best agressive fish you can buy!


Snowflake eel= Loseafinger fish
Niger Trigger= Loseahand fish
any shark= Loseawholearm fish
Be afraid, be VERY afraid.