New Member
Okay, I know that everyone says never mix clownfish, but I was doing some research online and found an interesting remark on Animal Planet that if you introduce two species at the same time and similar size then they will be fine. Interested, I talked to some local fish stores about it and got mixed responses. So I decided to be a brave soul and got a maroon clown and a false percula because I was having trouble deciding which one I wanted (hence why I was excited at this idea). I've had them for a couple weeks now and they seem fine. They instantly bonded once they were released in the tank and actually don't even like to be more than half a tank away from the other. In fact, just a few minutes ago my purple pseudo attacked the f.p. and the maroon darted over to protect him. I thought it was super cute. Anyway, I know that as clowns mature that they can become more territorial and aggressive, Everything has been fine so far so I kind of want to relax (I literally keep my eyes on the tank every other few minutes), but I do worry that maybe they'll grow out of this friendship? So I was wondering if anybody had any experience mixing clowns. Thanks!