Should I buy?


First off I have a 30g reef tank and a 10g reef tank, but I have never had aggresive fish(unless you count the first damsel I baught). A buddy of mine is moving over seas and is getting rid of his 55g setup. I know it is a good price he wants for it, but my main question is about his fish. He has a leaf scorpion fish and a Dwarf Zebra Lionfish in the tank. I am mainly worries about if these two fish are compatable and if they are will they get too big for the 55g. I know they both won't get over 6"(atleast from research), but I don't know how much room each needs. I would appreciate yall with experience with aggresive fish giving me some input. Also, if I will be able to keep them could I ever add any other fish to the tank? Thanks in advance


I have been doing research about the two fish pretty much all evening and I found a compatability chart that said they would be fine together, but I still have not found anything on if the tank will be big enough when they are full grown. My buddy is trying to get rid of the tank by the end of the week, so I would be greatful for any knowledge yall have. I don't want to but the setup and then findout that I either have to return one or both fish after a while of having them or buy a bigger tank and be stuck with this tank being empty. Thanks


Active Member
They will be fine in that tank for pretty much their entire lifetime, and you may also be able to add one more fish to that set-up depending on what you are looking at.


Any suggestions on another tankmate that would work?? I hear groupers didn't mix well with Lionfish because it will nip at the lionfish's fins, is that true?


Active Member
No, I had a grouper and a lion together for several months and they were fine. The grouper was in there before the lion, and was even bigger than the lion, and the lion still dominated the grouper. I later removed the grouper only because he got way too aggressive for the tank. I simply wanted to move my tank more towards a community tank with more fish in it, and that was impossible because he would eat any new fish, and he was a huge bioload on the tank. He would probably be fine in your set-up though.


Thanks for the help. I am busy with school for the next two days, but I think that on wednesday I am going to move the tank to my place. It has about 70-75lbs of LR and probably about 100lbs of LS, so it is going to be an adventure. I have had to move my 30 twice and my 10 once, but that is a lot smaller task. Thanks again for all the help. Any other suggestions about other livestock for the tank by anyone would be great too.


Well, I baught the tank the other day and spent most of yesterday putting it back together at my place and adjusting the setup. It has 2 fluval 304s and a titanium heater. The light system is a Coralife with 2 10000K bulbs, 2 Actinic(sp?) and 2 moonlights, not too sure what wattss, but I will find out tomorrow. Plus I am not too worries about it because it looks good and I am not planning on putting anything in the tank that needs lot of lights. The fish are doing fine and eat really well tonight, probably because they hadn't been feed in two days. I was wondering if I should add a protein skimmer and if so any thoughts about which one? Also I was wondering about any other tankmates that I could add. I am just really looking to add one fish if any. I like the two, but I kind of want to add my own touch to the tank with a new member. Has anyone delt with Anglers or Frog fish. I like how they look and they are relatively smaller fish. Thanks for the help so far and I look forward to any more advice