should I do a water change?


I just tested my water and yikes - my ammonia spiked to an unhealthy level - last week I added a 7# piece of cured LR and I also think I may have stirred up my sand bed a little too much when I was rearranging! Ahhh....I guess I've started a mini-cycle - what should I do?


Active Member
Well, you have some pretty hardy fish. They may be OK...of course there are no guarantees. You may want to think of relocating your star though.
What exactly is "unhealthy?" Of course, greater than 0 is not good, but what is the level?
Stirring up the sand bed can increase levels temporarily, so that could be it. Are you certain the LR you bought is cured?


The ammonia was a little over .5. I bought the LR from an established tank at my lfs so I assumed it was fully cured - guess I was wrong???:( So you don't think I should do a water change? Should I just let it cycle through? Thanks in advance!


Active Member
If your tank was established all ready, you can do a water change. If it was just the sand bed being stirred that caused it, that will help.
If it is the LR, the dieoff will be gradual and you may have a harder time keeping the levels down until it cures.
You will always have a little dieoff when adding LR, just because you are taking it out of the water. That is normal, but .5 ammonia is kind of high.
A water change isn't a bad place to start.