Should I flush? Please help.


Well I started another post about my one Percula all of a sudden chasing my other one everywhere. The one being chased now looks horrible, in the span of about 3 or 4 days he has degenerated. He has popeye in both eyes ( i think from wedging himself in the rocks to hide), his caudal fin is completely gone its just a nub.. I feel so bad for him. After more than 10 months together all of a sudden they started fighting... Anyway he looks horrible. My question is should I put him out of his misery? It will be hard to do but is it the right thing? Im really torn about it. Ive had fish die but never like this. Also will I ever be able to add another fish to my system? I do have a Dragon Goby doing real well that seems to be left alone completely. 3 snails, 1 feather.. 28 gallon.. Very little so one day I would like to add more but not so they are beaten up...


Staff member
Can you find another home for this fish? Perhaps get a tank divider, let the beat up fish heal up, then return him to the fish store.


Originally Posted by Beth
Can you find another home for this fish? Perhaps get a tank divider, let the beat up fish heal up, then return him to the fish store.
I have a small little desk aquarium I might be able to add some of my current water to it and put him in there. Only thing is it wont have a protein skimmer or any other type of filtration. I could put a little LR in there though.. What do you think?


Staff member
That sounds like a good plan. It won't need much, a piece or 2 of live rock, water from your display, a bit of sand from your display. You could have it set up in under an hour.


Originally Posted by Beth
That sounds like a good plan. It won't need much, a piece or 2 of live rock, water from your display, a bit of sand from your display. You could have it set up in under an hour.
So lack of an HOB and a heater isnt an issue? Its so small Im looking at it now I dont even think a heater would fit..


Staff member
How cold will the room that its located in be? You can get a pretty small heater, and with good water circulation, live rock, and a bit of daily water changes, you can do without the skimmer fine. Perhaps you can get a Hydor mini water heater which are made for micro tanks.


Originally Posted by Beth
How cold will the room that its located in be? You can get a pretty small heater, and with good water circulation, live rock, and a bit of daily water changes, you can do without the skimmer fine. Perhaps you can get a Hydor mini water heater which are made for micro tanks.
Darn, I dont know If it will have good water circulation.. Its one of those el cheapo ones with only an air stone. Thats all it has.


Originally Posted by rasguedo
Darn, I dont know If it will have good water circulation.. Its one of those el cheapo ones with only an air stone. Thats all it has.
You will need some circulation. Being the tank is so small, can you pick up a 10 gallon HOB filter for around $10-$15. That will work just fine and if you leave the water level a bit low then there will be enough movement from the force of the filter returning the water in that sized tank to oxygenate it.


New Member
Sorry to hear that they started to fight after being together so long. Don't know why they would do that.
You could try one of those fish breeders net that hang on the side of the tank. You can get one at your LFS. They use them for babies so they don't get eaten by the adults.
When I got my Clowns, the larger one beat my smaller one up pretty bad. I used a one of those breeder nets with my injured clown. I put a piece of live rock in it with him so he would have some place to hide. When he was better after a couple weeks I released him into the tank. I think it was less stressfull for him because he was still in the same tank (same water quality, same temp and less work for you), but protected from the other fish.
When I re-introduced him to the tank, my female didn't pick on him anymore because she was already use to seeing him. They are now a happy pair.
Good luck
Hope he makes it....
This happen to me a few times I suggest you get like a 99 cents little holder with holes and put the clown in there until it heals.
If he starts to really shows signs of death then put it out of misery.


Yeah get one of those breeding type nets and hang in your DT for him.that would work right?
Originally Posted by 3stripedamsel
This happen to me a few times I suggest you get like a 99 cents little holder with holes and put the clown in there until it heals.
If he starts to really shows signs of death then put it out of misery.