Should I get a tang for my 55 Gal.


i have had a 55 gal for about 4 months now. before that, i was running a 25 gal. with just a couple of damsels and a clown in it..
7 weeks ago, i decided to add a beautiful butterfly to the tank. i watched him for a couple of days in the store to make sure he was ok..
i did not quarantine him before putting him in with the others. he was not eating for the first couple of days. then, i had to go away for 3 days, but just before i left, i noticed he has white ick on his body.
i returned after 3 days, and ALL my fish were dead.. my cleaner shrimp and crab had only left the skeleton of the butterfly!!
i ran the tank for another month to make sure whatever it was, had passed..
now here is my question:
what the heck happened to kill everything in 3 days?
i have since got only a large sri lankan clown and a small 3 stripe damsel. and they seem to be well. but i want to get a larger fish something hardy and colourful. (possibly a tang).. but everyone says tangs are prone to ick. so i am questioning my choice.. i do not want the fish to get sick again.. it is hard to atch them battle with a disease.. what can i add to the tank?
ps. i continuously monitor and attend to the water. my water has always been good..