should i get an eel?


New Member
I have a 125 fowlr with tons of rock, 2 ocellaris clownfish, a yellow tang, juvenile blue angelfish, rusty angelfish, red coris wrasse and an algae blenny. I used to have a snowflake moray eel, but he got to 2 feet and would pick off some of the fish so i had to get ride of him. Do you think it is a bad idea to look into getting a zebra moray eel? i know it is hit or miss with compatibility, but i really like eels.


Zebra eels are well known for not eating fish. I have one and it has never once touched any of my fishies. He is about 31/5 feet long now and can easily take out a fishy. They do however eat crabs, shrimps and sometimes snails. The only problem is that your rocks must be 100% secure, because they are very strong. I would suggest drilling your rocks and putting rods through them so they won't move. Zebra eels are senitive to nitrates more so than other fish. Before getting one try to invest in a nitrate reactor. Their full length is about 4feet and unlike snowflake eels they are very thick and will need a large cave to sleep in.