Should I have micro bubbles


New Member
I have a 55gal saltwater tank 3 wks old cycling and recently bought a Bak Pak2 Protein Skimmer. I have been running it for about a week now and have micro bubbles coming out of my discharge. Im wondering if this is normal to have these bubbles and if not how do I get rid of them. Thank you for your help and have enjoyed and learned many thing from this site.


Active Member
I know this has been asked before and I am not real sure of what the answers were. Do a search on this site for "Bak pak bubbles" or something like that and you might find your answer. The search button is at the top right of this screen. HTH.


From my very limited experience...You will have microbubbles if you have pu things like slimecoat or stresscoat in your tank or your intake is too low in the tank. Also it's a B**** to set these things up. I finally just left mine alone and it is just now (after 2 weeks) starting to produce less bubbles. I think that company sells a bubble trap. I've got a Seaclone 100 and from what I have read I will upgrade to a AquaC Remora in the near future. Those seem to have the least complaints for the money. Hope this helps...


Active Member
i have spent countless dollars with this idea and that idea, and nothing has worked for me so i'm living with it...if i have company over and i want to show off the tank i turn the skimmer off....good luck if you find a n answer let us know...


My BakPak produces micro bubbles too, but it has not been running very long. From what I understand, it is normal to have the bubbles in the beginning and they should reduce in time.
Mine also came with a sponge that goes in the vertical part of the outlet pipe. It is about 4" long, and it's shaped like a tube cut in half. That is supposed to cut down on the bubbles also. Personally, I have not tried it yet. I'm waiting until I'm finished cycling. The only thing about the sponge is it's kind of a pain to get in and out of there and you have to make sure you keep it clean.
Are you using the blue bio-bale material? If you are not, I believe there are some plastic baffles you can put in place of it which is also supposed to reduce the bubbles. I am not using anything in that area because I have my heater there.
HTH :)



Originally posted by vito525
I will upgrade to a AquaC Remora in the near future. Those seem to have the least complaints for the money.

My Remora does produce micro bubbles. They were more predominant the first week or so, but they are still there. AquaC does sell a surface skimmer box that helps to skim the surface more than down into the tank and the water returns through another box and foam filter. arkey.d has one and has posted that he loves it. Mine is on its way now after winning it on the famous auction site.


My SeaClone 100 puts out microbubbles too. I've tried adjusting it, but it seems to change again after a week or so.
Shutting it off when company is over sounds like a good idea to me.


New Member
Thank you all for you help and advice. This site has answered alot of questions I had regarding my saltwater tank.


Active Member
My Aquarium Systems skimmer is a piece of junk. It either produces so many microbubbles that it is a hinderance to looking into the tank... or it produces no bubbles or no foam. I only spent like $45 pre tax on it, so I guess I got what I payed for.


When it comes to protien skimmers, you get what you pay for. These things aren't cheap. I had a Seaclone 100 when I started out and had mico bubbles all the time...or no skimmate. I ended up getting a Euro Reef skimmer as soon as I added a sump to my system.


Active Member
Make sure that if you have anemones that you don't have an excess of microbubbles. The anemones can die from injesting too many bubbles :)