Should I introduce these fish...

Background: I've had 2 oscellaris fish for 2 years. They've been in a 10 gallon and now currently reside in a 20 gallon. I am inheriting a 30 gallon tank from a friend of mine. There are a couple of damsels, tomato clows, gobie and a puffer fish. I'm looking to combine my creatures and his. My plans for his tank is to take out his rock and maybe his sand and transplant my sand and live rock into his old tank. I'd like to buy some more rock and sand and rearrange the tank.
QUESTION: My clownfish are very aggressive fish. They have killed any other fish within a week when I introduced new fish (albeit smaller than the clowns) in their 20 gallon tank. Will they do the same when I rearrange my friends 30 gallon tank and introduce them to my friend's tank. He has some nice fish however I don't want to place my clowns in a tank where they are going to kill the other fish. Will a new tank and new arrangement make a difference?


Active Member
so how many fish are there gonna be in the thirty gallon? im pretty sure puffers need a lot bigger then that.


Active Member
"There are a couple of damsels, tomato clows, gobie and a puffer fish." That 30 gallon is already overstocked. Don't add your fish to it.


Active Member
that tank is already overstocked. so i woundlt add them. plus, you arent supposed to mix different clownfish species as they will fight. and thirdly, (if thats a word lol) you said that your clowns are aggressive? well they most likely would kill anythng else smaller than them. why take the risk?