Should I Light It?


Active Member
I just recently setup my new sumpfugium, and now I'm not sure which direction I'm headed for. Should I take advantage of the space and the DSB and use it for Denitrification and Nutrient Export, by lighting it and growing Caulerpa. Or, should I keep it in the dark, and allow filter-feeding sponges, tube worms, and possibly :rolleyes:tunicates:rolleyes: to grow on the LR? The sumpfugium is 26G, has a 6" DSB, and about 50-75 lbs of LR in it. Thanks for your opinions.


Active Member
I'm with sammy. Light it, grow it, and harvest it and it will help keep your water clean. A piece or two of LR should provide some shade for those filter feeders and an anchor/grow back source for the caulerpa.


Active Member
Okay, thanks for the input guys. So, what lighting do you think? I'm probably going to pick up a Coralife Smartlamp in the Classifieds, 2x65W. Sound good?


Active Member
2x65w PC is a lot of light just to grow caulerpa. I use a 1x33w 10,000k on one and a 1x26w 10,000k on the other and it grows like wild. And I know others who use 2x30w & 2x40 W NOs with success. But it seems to me to grow thicker under the PCs.


On my 55g i have a CPR aquafuge that is lighted by a jbj 18w and the caulerpa grows to a thick mat. On my 150 fo I have an 18w NO on my 10g ref. and the caulerpa growth is no where near the same as on the 55g. Just my experience!
By the way Demosthenes I live in the Indianapolis area


Active Member
Thanks guys, I'm going with, I guess, 1 55W. Does this sound
Hey, Indy1. I was just there today. I'm Diabetic, so I was at Riley's Children's Hospital for a check-up. I'm on a CGMS and H-Tron Plus, but they're too complicated to explain. Anyway, have you been to Premium Aquatics or Uncle Bills? Uncle Bills is the place that ripped me off in the beginning, but they're prices are pretty good, and they've got a great selection, so if I go in there with some knowledge I'd have some fun.


I rarely buy anything at Uncle Bill's (too expensive). I do like Premium Aquatics but I usually goto Petware house down here on the south side. They are always givin me good deals and some ocasional free stuff, like my ribbon eel that I've had since Thanksgiving.


Active Member
Thanks guys, I'm going with, I guess, 1 55W. Does this sound good?
A 55w PC sounds fine. It's not like the extra light, from the other configuration, will harm the growth. It's more like, why pay for the extra bulbs and electricity if there is no extra benefit.