Should I mod my Maxijets or buy Koralia's?


I have a 90g reef setup with 3 Maxijet 1200's, Remora Pro run by a Mag 5 and a Little Giant 2-mdqx-sc return pump. Should I buy the mod kits for the Maxi1200's or buy two Koralia 4's? Are the Koralia 3,4's the same visual size? I haven't seen them in person. I have a few spots that the cyna likes to grow and I feel its cause of lack of flow.


Active Member
with the mods, the maxi and koralia r about the same size. i personally like koralia bc i feel it disperses the water in a wider range. ur cyano might not be cuase by low flow, but instead too much nutrients. try getting a few snails and hermits to control it.

sign guy

Active Member
I always like to remind people to look at the wave2k for a true wave like motion you would need only 1 for a 90 gal. but if your set on those two
id go with the maxies I maintain a 500 gal with koralia's in it and the impelers are forever getting off balance and sutting down


I have had both and changed over to koralias, have been very happy with them, no problems here. I have a K2 and K4, the K2 is a couple months old and the 4 is about 6 weeks old, both are in a 90.


Would the two K3's be enough for my 90g 4ft tank along with my other skimmer and return pumps? I'm worried about the size of the K4's? I know its only a few dollar difference. Thanks I want to order tonight.


I would do 2 K4s. I have used many different power heads ranging from maxijet 900s to 1200s. I feel that these powerheads are good for certain purposes such as a small pump but to create flow they are in effective (especially in a 90 gal). I have modded mine and they put out good flow while they last. I have had the ecomods fail as well as my DIY versions. I finally went with the Ks which are great especially for the price. I have one k3 and 1 k4 but would go with 2 k4s on my 46 gallon if I could do it over.

al mc

Active Member
IMHO the K3s would be sufficient. Back to your first question. I have both modified maxijets and K3s and K4s in various areas of my tanks/sumps/etc. I thought I would like the 'Ks' better, but honestly..I like the modified maxis
As with everything in this hobby you can see that opinions do vary.


Active Member
I haver 3 Korilla's now a pair of 4's and a 2 in my 150 and With were they are at my tank if I was not careful would have a sandstorm from HELL in it. The 4's are 4 inches below the surface and they throw the water almost over the top with the way they are aimed. The 2 is in the middle of my tank and it is set to come straight across. I had a pair of modded maixs before and I lost them do to RUST on the impeller shaft.


Active Member
I just dumped the Korillias for Maxi Mods mainly because the Mods will hold up to running on a wavemaker, Korillias don't even like the soft start the reefkeeper uses. The fact one of the korillias was leaking 110 volts into the tank after about 6 months of use played a part in that decision.


Active Member
Now however Korilla has comeout with Contorlable Heads and their own Wave Maker If I was going to EVER set up a reef I would go with those.


I have 1 korilla and 1 maxi with a korilla (not sure the name right now) deflector head on it love the maxi with head great movement just cant handle a lot of flow the head will shoot off.


i had two k 4's and two k 3's in my 180 hooked up to my wave maker. had plenty of flow but hey would rattle upon startup. solved that problem by putting small tubing on impeller shaft, but they only lasted about 3-4 months.... they arent designed to be run on a wave maker. so i went and bought 2 vortechs and will add a 3rd.... i'm in heaven


I just modded my maxi jet 400 yesterday and believe me, i was extremely happy with the flow. Its nice and wide, yet strong enough to go all the way across the tank easily. My fish seem to love it, always playing in the current. Except for my longhorn cowfish, he gets stuck to it pretty easily. Nothing on him can actually touch the blades, but i amagine he is pretty stressed out over it. I also have a koralia 1 in my tank, its nice looking, but doesn't do much. Between my sump return pump, and the modded moxi jet, my tank is has a ton of flow. I actually set the maxijet on the powerstrip for my lights, that way when the timer kills the light, it also kills the powerhead to make the flow easier to deal with at night. So far they all seem to love it.