should i presume him dead?


Active Member
the royal gramma i got friday. some of you may have read about it. had 2 damsels destroy his tail. he has been missing since yesterday morning. is he hiding? or is it really bad?
got one damesel out of the tank, still working on the other.
what do you think?


Active Member
awh, jeeze guys someone has got to have an opinon
So sorry, I can only have an opinon after looking for it myself, no what I mean? It may just pop out of no-where or it may not.:notsure:
Again, so sorry.


Active Member
Yours were the yellow tail damsels right? If so, this happened with my tank when I first started adding fish. I had 1 or 2 YT damsels and then added a royal gramma---never seen it the next morning. I thought it was cause it (RG) took the same "home" as the YT damsel. Maybe they just dont mix or just coincidence, not sure. Bump for ya.


He might be hiding. If he is, when he comes out, you can set him up in a hospital tank, and use Melafix. You can get it just about anywhere, along with stress coat to regrow his fins. It works within 2 weeks. When I bought my YTBD (gone now was too aggressive) he had almost no tail, started using those in combination, and they were back to normal in a week an a half. And to keep their fins in order I dose SC and Melafix every week or two, just to help with the fins and scales. For the record, Damsels are extreeeeemly aggressive! Sure they're cute n stuff, but they pick on EVERYTHING. When I added my feather duster, and Star Polyups he tormented them for days, wouldnt let them come out at all. Finally he got used to them, but then when I added the peppermints he got super aggressive and wouldnt leave them alone, finally I got rid of him. Now I have an Orchid dotty in there. Doing great, but he killed one of my shrimp, but seems to have befriended the other...


Active Member
i think he is gone
i looked all day & night yesterday. in every crevice i could find. nothing. spotted a new hitchhiker though (crab). i would really like to get another RG so i will give it a week or so and see what happens. i know your not suppose to have 2 in a tank.
thanks for the replies