Should I still use the full bucket of Reef Crystals that I have?


Hey, my tank has been out of commission for about 1.5-2 years, and I had this gigantic bucket of Reef Crystals salt in my garage, the lid was on the salt the entire time, but i opened it today and the salt was pretty hard, not rock solid but definitely not smooth like new salt. My question is should I just throw out this bucket of Reef Crystals and buy new salt or is it safe enough to use in a new fish only tank that's currently being setup.


I'd be leary to use it, wondering if anything happened to the mixture during oxidation. But, the frugal side of me says if the lid was on it and you don't see any accumulation of junk on top or anything, then why not try it if it's the initial fill of the tank, and just test everything. If this is just the first fill of the tank what do you have to lose if it's were gonna throw it out anyway..just lost the time or sucking it out and a couple tests. I say go for it! Dave


If your that worried, you can use half and half. Buy another bucket and use half new and half old stuff.


Active Member
It's salt - unless it's been exposed to chemicals/humidity/water your ok. If it's still granular - not stuck together - odds are your fine.


Staff member
Boy, you can sure tell that those giving some of this advise aren't putting the old salt in their tanks! LOL
Old salt that was in a garge should be tossed. What's a few bucks compared to hundreds of $$ in setup cost, not to mention time. If the salt is hard, it is because it has been exposed to moisture. If its been exposed to moisture, then it certainly has been exposed to other things as well. In a garge, it is likely that the salt has been expsosed to environmental toxins, like fumes from your car, etc. Toss it [or, if you have weeds in your yard, pour it on those! Old sea salt is great at killing weeds, and using it that way will keep you from feeling like you wasted the salt.]


Active Member
Beth is quite right. For the few bucks involved I would never use something that old regardless where it was kept. I keep 3 buckets of salt on hand and rotate them as I replace the used up one so I never let it get more then 3 months old. I use a bucket a month or there abouts.


Dammit, I already put the salt in the tank, let's hope for the best....I even called my LFS and they should that it should be fine, cuz it's just salt...I dunno, I didn't want to cut any corners this time around setting up my tank, hopefully this won't screw up everything.


Active Member
Hey don't fret the odds are probably with you. I think Beth and I were trying to make the point why take any chance. Just check it out in a day or two and if readings are good (salinity) then you hopefully are fine. If you have any left tho just to be safe disgard it and as you do your water changes use newer salt.