Should I take a job at a Pet Store to learn?


I'm a software engineer so I wouldn't take the job for the money. But as in almost all things in life you learn 10 times more in practice than you do studying. So my question. Should I volunteer/work at a saltwater store one night a week for 6 months or so to learn? Or am I overestimating the difficulty in learning as I go?
Thanks for putting up with my questions.


Forget the petstore thing... just go out and buy acouple of good books. Everything that you really need to know is available in most marine tank books. The fishstore may even be a bad idea because you would be surprised about how much wrong information can come out of them.
Most people in this hobby get in trouble because they get bad information from a internet site or they buy a $2000 tank setup and will not send $35 for a book on how to take care of it.
If you need a list of good books, just ask...


Active Member
You'd probably learn more, and learn faster with a couple of decent books and this forum than you would at an LFS. I know that I know more than most of the people at my LFS. Maybe I should go work there so they can learn!!!
i dont know about volunteering but part time work like a couple days a week might not be a bad idea. get a couple of good books and try to read and learn as much as you can. this mesageboard is a place to learn more. you get to learn from many types of experiences and opinions from all places. i think alot of bad info can come out of some LFS because they are they are not up to date with the hobby and trying to make their money. but most GOOD LFSs should try to to sell you a $35 book with a $2000 setup i wouldnt see why they wouldnt. you will be answereing alot of questions about all sorts of things so it is good to have practical knowledge of the livestock and equipment used in the hobby.


Unless you can get in at a huge aquriam place like .....Shed in chicago...I wouldn't.
you will soon find out that ALOT not all but a majority of LFS's are in it for the money only and sell animals they shouldn't or have no idea of the care of the animal or of it's compatibility in tanks (reef or lrfo) it is certain failure.
My .02
from experience


Ok it looks like I won't take the part time job than. I'll keep reading and asking my questions. Hopefully I don't kill any of these creatures once I get going, so be prepared for dumb questions that I'll be asking to clarify my thoughts :). Thanks for the responses by the way.
My husband and I bought our tank and knew nothing and we bought The Conciencious? Marine Aquariest and everything imaginable is in there. It is the best investment ever!! It covers all topics and has more than paid for itsself in helping with the mistakes we would have made!!
that is a great book and is worth all the clams you spend on it. Robert Fenner also has a helpful site where you can learn alot about all aspects of the aquatic industry, livestock,equipment,business. he is also there to help anyone out from the amatuer-expert.
an LFS is good pt job if you would like people and helping others getting into the hobby.
here in the bay there are ALOT of good LFSs helpful and knowledgeable and they will match there competitors or even give a lower price with a smile. there are only a few that i wouldnt do business with because of there ignorance. there is also many large ones here that have employees that are as dumb as the small ones.
so it doesnt matter large or small.


I have learned far more from this forum than any LFS or book has ever provided. I picked up two good books and read them, most of the info has changed. Other Aquarists know what works, they are the ones who spend the money and know how to get the most for it.
Thanks everyone for the great information and fun.
What would be the best all around book you guys would suggest to buy for information about maintaining saltwater fish and a reef tank?


New Member
my advice is ask if the store for a tank set up and see if they try to sell you a book or the tank. every good store i have ever been to almost always trys to sell you the book first and these stores a far and few between.


Personally i would take the part time job at the pet store.. that is what i do and i get all the information i need, hands on experience and i get discounts on all fish and corals rocks anything i want.. and get my fish tanks at cost! everything at cost! lights... whatever. So the part time job does have many benefits if your boss is smart enough.


while i couldnt imagine doing this without the aid of all the books i have i also think that experience is priceless


Right on about getting things at cost. My girlfriend works at the lfs, It is a salt only store with emphasis on reefs and they have very good advise. The discounts are even better though. Most of the stores that i have ever been to sell their purple tangs for $60 to $100. Even on line you can find them for around 35 but then you have shipping and stuff. They said that they could get us one for $35. I believe that you can learn from working there. My girlfriend has and now she is not as dependant on me to take care of her tank that she knew nothing about when i bought it for her. I don't agree with everything they tell me where she works, but that is because i've been reading up on-line and at sites like this.
BTW we get free frags every once in a while from some of the tanks she takes care of.


Active Member
If your a software engineer you can just pay someone to setup and maintain your tank.. If your a DIY person.. just jump in its only money :)


But if you are a recent college grad. working for the gov. on a grant that could end any day and has $40k student loans to pay back anything you can save helps. hahaha, sucks to be me!!! :mad:


I agree for the mst part that a lot of LFSs are in it for the money, and even if they are selling LR and corals, they don't alays know what they should. There are 3 stores here in the Buffalo, NY area (that i am aware of) that all sell stuff for reef tanks, but only one that seems to know what they are doing. What i did to find out where i should go, i spent a lot of time here, and reading some books, gathered a lot of knowledge of the whole reef tank hobby, then i went to the store with a list of "questions". I put that in quotes, because they were questions that i allready knew the answer to, but asked to see what THEY knew. Sometimes i even asked the questions in such a way that they would hafve to disagree with me to give me the right answer. The 2 stores that agreed with wrong information to make a sale do nto get my business now, but the one store that took the time to explain that i was wrong, and why-- they get all my business now. it si a store that ONLY does saltwater, and they know a ton about reefs. they have been very helpful, and have been very enthusiastic about my interest in the hobby. They have also expressed that it is nice to sell to someone who actually takes the time to research and figure out what the heck they are doing first! (they are used to people just stopping in, dropping $2,000 to set up a tank, and then disapearing after a few months becuase they cant keep anything alive!)
Anyway- to asnwer your question, if the place you are thinking of working at knows there stuff, it could be helpful, if not-- you might be better off just reading and spending time on this forum....