Should I take my sump down ?

I built a "sump thing" to house all of my filter junk. Overflow box down to it. The sump has a Fluval 404 on it (worthless from what I have been told), UV sterilzer (controversial), and my skimmer (essential). The purpose for building it was to stop the little bubbles from my skimmer and get the junk off the back of the tank.
So, do I need that junk ? I have a 75g tank with 250#+ LR and at least 170# LS. My water params. have not budged for 3 weeks now and are as follows:
Amm - 0
-ites - 0
-ates - 0
pH - 8.4
Alk - 12
Sal - 1.024
Temp - 78-80
Will my levels go up if I take the UV and Fluval off ?


Jesus with those water readings I wouldnt change a thing!!!!!
Howvever two things: 1 A UV has nothing to do with Nitrate or other water parameters other than killing parasites and other bacteria provided you have proper water flow through it and 2) Uv's do work especially when keeping reefs and other hard to keep fish. Heck I think even this site recommends them.


Active Member
Seriously, with those kind of parameters you just can't go wrong. But, you can make other reefers jealous. :D
Taking the sterilizer won't change the parameters at all. But, it will greatly increase your chances of parasite infestations.
Now, taking the fluval off might increase the nitrates just a little. But, if the skimmer can keep up the filtration you should be A-Ok.
It's a hairy situation... but with water like that, I agree with Dee, don't touch the thing. :cool:


New Member
do NOT touch a thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!