should i take the risk?



my LFS has some bubble tip anemones that are like 30 bucks for a sorta green one. thats the problem, its not dyed, but a little bit bleached. should i go for it? or should i only go for it if it has a sticky base?
need some advice on this. and if i do go and check em out tomorrow, how should i know if it will live if it still has some color to it? like, if its not completly bleached out.
BTW, i have a reef optix 2 reflecter, 400 watt MH, 12k. tank has been setup for apprx. 5-6 months. i have about 2-3 years of experience with SW.
thanks in advance.
best regards,


Active Member
I would say go for it. If they aren't completely see-through then it shouldn't be too difficult 'nursing' it back to health. 30 bucks isn't too bad for a BTA.


ok, thanks. i hope they have some when i go today. thanks again for the advice, and the post. seems like there arnt to many people that give advice on this kind of thing...


Active Member
People are wearry of giving advice on anemones because there are a lot of variables involved. And most people aren't willing to listen to sound advice, and will 'deal' with trying to keep anemones under PC lighting, or in new tanks, or with other anemones, etc.
Sounds to me like you have the proper environment, so as long as you understand what you are getting into (lighting and general care) then I say go for it.