Should I use substrate or not


New Member
I have read both ways. I am wondering which way is better. The tank is 200 gallons and already has live rock.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by scheri11
I have read both ways. I am wondering which way is better. The tank is 200 gallons and already has live rock.
which do you prefer the look of? A question like this is most likely going to get you a different answer from every single person who responds. Some prefer bare-bottom cause its easier to keep clean, others hate the unnatural look and frequent maintanence. Some prefer shallow sandbed cause it looks more natural, but is still relatively easy to clean, but other than aeshetics, it provides minimal benefit. Others prefer a DSB cause it provides natural filtration and requires minimal maintainence, but others don't like the risk that a tank crash may occur. And you may even get 1 or 2 who recommend CC (although I doubt it). Really what it comes down to, is what you like the look of and what you are confortable with.


Active Member
As Scopus said, it is all about your opinion.
So here's mine:
Don't let the fear of maintenance persuade your decision.
I like a shallow bed of white argonite. That's my choice. I have seen several absolutely beautiful tanks that are bare-bottom. I would agree that the look is unnatural.