Should I Use This Tank??


My brother gave me a 20 gallon I was going to use as a sump niece had a rabbit in it. I'm not worried so much about that but I am concerned about the chemicals that were used to clean it over the years: Windex, etc... Should I just get rid of it or should it be ok to use? Thanks in advance for the help!


Active Member
I wouldn't risk it. But if you do clean it really well. I think some people advocate a small amount of bleach in the water. Then you need to rinse the heck out of it till no more bleach.


wut i hav done once i got rid of my reptiles wash wash it with vinegar
then lemon juice then vinegar and rinse it really good
between and after each washing but thats me

btw water presure cheack it for a week before u do anything
i had a 40 gallon hex seal dry up and when i put my old oscar in the tank it sprung a leak leaving him to die in an inch of water


Thanks for the advice. I don't think it's worth the risk. I believe I will just buy a new sump. Thanks again!