Should I Worry About Temp During Cycling


Active Member
While the tank is cycling, should I care for temperature, salinity, phosphate levels, pH levels of the water?
Also, can I cycle w/out any sort of light on the tank? I want to spend a good deal of time deciding which MH set to go w/ while the tank cycles.


Active Member
temp control is a want. also is light if you have any lr. salinity, and basically everything. i'd just keep testing and some levels are bound to jump and come back. let it go through it's natural cycle for a loooong wait.... and it'll come back. i'd keep light, temp and salinity constant and not worry about the rest until you've cycled. i'm cycling now, and i still test everything else just to know what i'm going to have to deal with in the opening stages of this tank. it seems easier to do it now while the tank is cycling, but it's throwing other tests off. :notsure:


Active Member
Yeah I'll be cycling w/ LR and LS. So I guess I have to buy a heater and lights as soon as possible. I do have two heaters, but they are on my current 60 gallon tank. I was hoping to use them on the 180 that's being setup now, but I guess I have to go buy a new heater or two.
Lights are a tough one. I still haven't decided which MH lights/ballasts to go w/


Active Member
Originally Posted by EUPHORIA
Yeah I'll be cycling w/ LR and LS. So I guess I have to buy a heater and lights as soon as possible. I do have two heaters, but they are on my current 60 gallon tank. I was hoping to use them on the 180 that's being setup now, but I guess I have to go buy a new heater or two.
Lights are a tough one. I still haven't decided which MH lights/ballasts to go w/

Regular tank lighting is just fine for temporary solution. You don't really need lighting to cycle your tank, matter of fact, you need to keep the lighting low during this time, like only have it on for a couple of hours per day. That way you won't have algae growing everywhere. You need to test for ammonia during this time, if it gets wayyy too high, you need to do a partial water change to bring the level down, too high of ammonia can kill stuffs that's on your live rock. Salinity should be check to be sure your in the correct level. Everything else you don't really need to check at this moment. Heater is needed during cycling too to keep your temperture in check. Good Luck! :happyfish


Active Member
Thanks. I successfully cycled my previous tank, but don't remember whether I had lights on it or heater. I'll just use some T's for lighting until my MH's come in.


for a 180 you should get a titanium 500w they are perfect and it keeps my 175 at an even 78 degrees all the time. they are 47 bucks on another website. Well worth it. I keep my house at 65 to 70 and the tank never changes