Should I ???


I have a 72 bow FOWLR
i have a butterfly, 5 chromis, a manderin, and a royal gramma.
I also have a 3" sailfin tang that needs to go ASAP>>>
I would like to add one more fish FLAME ANGEL.....
will they all be happy?
is the tank good size?
I also have a 40 HEX with
sixline, 2 clowns, blenny, and royal grama. & CORALS>>>
is this bio-load ok?
things have been up and going well for 6 months...
should i mix and match fish i have?
please help


Active Member
How much LR do you have in the 72? What type of butterfly do you have? If you where to get rid of the tang, then I think that you could probably get away with adding the flame. I would stop with that though, as I would consider it to be well stocked at that point. The only concern that I really have is the mandarin. Normally the need a well established tank, with plenty of LR, and a good supply of copepods to survive.
I would leave the 40 the way that it is. It sounds like you've got a pretty good selection of fish in there.


i got about 80lb of LR
butterfly is AURIGA
could i do anemone in 40 got 96w PC
i may give goby to friend with 5yo reef, but it seems to be doing well so far.....


Don't think that 1x96w would be enough light for one. I run 2x96w on my 37 gal. and most say that's not enough either.


The mandarin needs a well established tank with 100-150 lbs of LR to do well. You should have plenty of room in the 72 for more LR. I would double what you've got in there now.
You need way more light for the anemone and even with the light they are very hard to keep. I wouldn't get one. JMO