Show me your MH lighting!


I want to purchase some replacement bulbs for a set of MH pendants I just hung over my 55G. The pendants are 175W, and came with 6500K blubs. I was thinking I would go for something in the 12-14000K range, as a balance between the yellow and blue. Also, I will not have any supplement lighting...just the pendants.
I would like to see any pics the forum folks may have, showing their tanks with ONLY their MH lights on. Along with the pics, please post the light/bulb specifics.


Active Member
Here's my tank 2x175W Coralvue 15,000K bulbs. No actinics are running in this picture. This picture is pretty accurate in representing my lighting. The bulbs put off a very blue color during their burn in, but after about 250 hours, this is what you see now.



Originally posted by RobChuck
Here's my tank 2x175W Coralvue 15,000K bulbs.

Thanks for the photo! I am actually leaning towards the Coralvue 15000K myself.


Active Member
I really like these bulbs so far. My growth has slowed down a little, but it's a fair tradeoff for the colors that the 15,000K allows. You can't see it very well in the photo, but in person, the bulbs cast a slight blue onto the sandbed, but otherwise, they appear like 10,000K bulbs supplemented with actinics would look.
Originally posted by AGENT 14
i want yurr tank robchuck
are yurr
clowns a pair?

Agent 14,
Thanks for the kind words! The clowns were added at the same time as juveniles and have since paired up. No signs of mating yet, as they're still pretty young, but I can definately tell the female apart from the male.