show off them 20longs


Here is my 20 long. I tried to go with the pyramid that is recommended, but it's difficult to do with only 12 inches height to work with. Plus some of my live rock pieces are pretty big.


Under PC lighting, I have mushrooms, xenia, and zoanthids, including that "plate" of zoos in the foreground, but I'm going to try and chisel that apart, putting some of the small pieces in this tank and saving the bigger chunks for the 75 gallon.
Rbrockm1, I don't know if you were asking me or asking Brandon, so Brandon, what are you going to keep?


lol i will be keeping all sps with xenia superguled on the two outer corners of the tank. my friend with a 1400gallon sps is going to hook me up with some super specimens. i cycled the tank for 4weeks and 2 days ago added 30lbs of ls. my lights are comming in, in about a week or so and they are a 150watt aqua medic metal halides. i have about 20lbs of fully mature and corline covered lr and have a shipment of 50lbs of fiji commin in 2wks. for equiptment i have 2 penguil 1140 power heads and a maxijet 900 with a power head that goes 360 degrees. ill be posting some pics in another thread


keep a close watch on your temp, because my tank temp with just PC lighting stays at 81 degrees all the time; i hardly ever have to turn on the heater because the tank is so shallow.