shrimp compatibility???


are differnt shrimp compatible in the same tank like a coral banded and about 2 or 3 cleaner shrimp in a 55gal tank


Active Member
nto always, often cbs's don't like other shrimp, especially in smaller aquariums(55 included),mixing these, you may find that you have ONE very happy cbs, and no cleaners, some have had luck, but normally in larger tanks, but as a general rule, if you have a cbs, plan on that being your only shrimp(even if you add more)
oh yeah, cbs are not the only ones, camelbacks harlequins and maybe pistols
[ December 31, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]


I have a 45G reef tank with 1 pistol shrimp, 2 fire shrimp, and 4 peppermint shrimp. They all have been getting along fine for about 8 month. So I think that I you provide your shrimp with enough room to hide and some food, aggression can be held down. I tried a couple months ago to put another type of a pistol shrimp in but it got killed on a second day. So with some luck you can manage to keep different kinds of shrimp together. Good luck!!!


thanks but i think i migt just stick with about 3 cleaner shrimp keep it simple im just starting off
havent even got my tank set up yet but my filters,skimmer,powerheads,and heaters are coming in friday and im going pick up some sand wensday and probily gonna order the premium live sand from here after my amonia peeks incase i get some good critters in it i dont wanna kill um off


Active Member
we love our cleaners, and they add color too,but for a 55, you nmy only want 2, i can't remember wher, but i heard 2 is all you'd want or 50 gallons, as for the cleaners, they won't be a problem for any other shrimp, but others may be a problem for them
fire or blood shrimp may be another good choice, if you want a 3d


I would not add a cbs unless you are looking to eliminate your others..I would suggest a fire shrimp very nice looking,plus I've had one in my 30 gal w/ 2 cleaners almost 2 yrs now


Active Member
the cleaner, or better yet a pair will be fine with peppemints, but the camelback is questionable esp. if you plan to go reef(or may), they have been known to munch on other inverts