Shrimp die/dissapear



I have had my 29 gallon reef tank set up for a while now.. like 6 months or so, and I decided I wanted a fire shrimp I dont know.. 2 months ago.. bought it.. had it for about a week and poof.. it was gone.. no signs of it.. thought maybe it shed and was hiding until his new skeleton hardened... but never saw him again.. so I was bummed and was mad because I paid $45.00 for him.. but then last week decided I wanted another.. but went to my LFS and they didnt have any so I bought a cleaner shrimp.. acclimated it correctly.. put it in.. and maybe 5 hours later i noticed it in the back of the tank dead... soo a few days later I went back to the store and got a pepermint shrimp.. to see if this was just a fluke.. and acclimated it for 3+ hours JUST to make sure.. and put it in.. and havent seen it since.. whats the deal?
I have 2 3-stripe damsels, a clarkii clown, a blue damsel, a bangaii cardnalfish, and a yellow tang (I KNOW NOT GOOD IN A 29 GALLON, HOWEVER MY STUPID LFS SOLD IT TO MY COUSIN FOR HIS 12 GALLON NANO SO IT IS IN MY 29 UNTIL I SET UP MY 125 ONCE MY UNCLE FINISHES MY STAND)
I have about 35-40 lbs of LR
Finger Coral
Devels Hand Coral
Neon Orange Fungia
Blue Hairy Mushroom
Green mushroom
various zoas
hammer coral
and I think thats it..
something is either A wrong.. or B someone likes to eat shrimp.. but its just so weird because everything else is doing good and my parameters are in line.. the temp is 80..
any other info that may be needed let me know.


Last night I went up 2 the tank w/ a flashlight and sure enough, I saw my new peppermint :) Freaked my out his eyes glowed when I hit him w/ the light.. thought it was something bad at first I was like SO YOUR THE ONE EATING MY SHRIMP.. oh waiitt no u are my shrimp lol
but still curious about the other 2 before him
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 30ppm
PH. 8.3
Calcium 350
I do have a serpent star fish also, I believe I forgot to mention. I highly doubt its the damsels because these three are not agressive like everyone else says and they are TINY little guys..


Active Member
How often and what do you feed your serpentstar?
However, due to the fact that the animal died quickly - within a week of introduction - and perhaps during a molt, it is important to consider that it died. What is your specific gravity?


What is important to know is what your water parameters are bc when your water isnt right the first things to go are your inverts (they are most sensitive to changes in your tank) and should alarm you something isnt right....


1.025 is the SG...
Its only the shrimp I've had a problem with.. no other inverts but the peppermint has been ok for a few days now so maybe it was a fluke.. thinking back, the cleaner shrimp my friend was saying it was acting funny in the bag but I thought it was just because it couldnt get its grip on the plastic.. maybe he was dying.. and the fire shrimp.. who knows.. but oh well..
I dont feed the serpent.. is there something in particular I should be feeding him.. I feed my fish.. pellets and formula one and two.. as well as some krill from time to time.. anything I need for the star? The serpent is somewhat new though maybe a month, I didnt have him when I had the fire shrimp.


Active Member
serpents are mostly scavengers but if they are not finding enough, they will make something in your tank lunch :scared: I feed mine once a week, besides what they find leftover in the tank. i ffed all different stuff, shrimp , clams ,krill, homemede fish food, silversides,prawn ,etc. Cut small pieces, too large can cause problems for them.Put near their arms and they will wrap it right up.


Active Member
I have had problems with shrimp also, everything else in my tank does fine but I could not seem to keep shrimp alive. I was having a problem with nitrates and once I got them down to between 10-20 my shrimp stopped dying.