Shrimp died :( No it didn't :)


Interesting thing happend this morning...
I found the front half of my coral banded shrimp in between some coral... from the head to the pinchers (antena and all). I was so disappointed because I've had him for quite a while and could not figure out what happended.
Then when looking for the rest of him, I found ALL of him under another rock. I then realized he (assuming a he) had molted. I thought it was pretty cool and my kids were amazed that he could actually take his skin off.
Now I have to explain to my kids that they can't take their skin off like the shrimp can. This discussion is going to be hard enough. I'm glad its not the --- discussion yet.


Hey the same thing happened with my hermit crabs. I thought they died too until I saw both of them wandering around. I think that both of them swapped shells also. My fish ate the crab skin I think because a day later if was all gone.