shrimp dying


Active Member
ok here is the deal i cant keep shrimp alive for some reason, crabs fine snails fine, corals and fish fine, shrimp died.. nothing hs changed in the past 3 years and i have always kept them, so here is the readings
r/o water
salt 1.025
calcium 400-450
phosphate .05
other than the ph up from 8.3 nothing has changed, i put 2 new cleaner shrimp in today and they were died within 1 hour, so i'm at a lose i have asked the lfs people that i really really trust and they have no answer so here i come to you all....


Active Member
Did the ones you already had in the tank die also?
I know you have been doing this awhile, so I assume you acclimated the new ones properly?


Active Member
yes the ones that were already in the tank died also, i forgot to mention that there are emerald crabs in there and they are also fine...90 gallon with 180 lbs of live rock and 400w mh 20k
i also took an extra long time putting them in,


Active Member
does other live stock from this particular lfs usually die in yoru tank or is it only your shrimp?


I just had my second cleaner die today also.
Readings are spot on. and hes been in there for a few weeks. has been hiding a lot lately, and today was bottoms up.
I dont get it.


are you sure they're dead and not molting and hiding? Two days after I got my first peppermint shrimp he disappeared. I saw bits of him floating around, so I assumed he died. Then, almost 2 weeks later, I saw him hiding in a rock where he now spends most of his time. He had just molted!


Active Member
nope mine died, and the calcium is 450 and the temp is 82-83 just as it has been for about 4 years now...???