Shrimp-eating Sandperch?? Any info very much appreciated!


New Member
A fish I was sold months ago when just stocking my tank, which I was told was a "peaceful, reef-safe, banded Goby", just killed all of my shrimp in a day. I added a coral-banded shrimp, 2 camelbacks, and a cleaner shrimp only for this jerk to have a cocktail. : ( Really sad- big loss, and $50 down the drain.
I went to a fish-id website and found out he is a sandperch. He has a lot of personality and I really like him, but I think I might have to get rid of him if I ever want to have any other creatures in my tank. Is it true they will eat anything they can get in their mouth?
If anyone has any experience with these, please help me.