shrimp goby in 10gallon nano????


Active Member
I have a 10 gallon nano that is doing awesome. It contains about 12-15lbs of live rock. I sand bed.
2 false percs
1 blue green chromis
1 yellow barbershop shrimp goby.
serpent star
I just got the little shrimp goby. I did not realize that it was a shrimp goby until now. The LFS had it labeled as a yellow headed rose goby. So I got to thinking can I have a pistol shrimp in my 10gallon. If so would i need to make my sand bed a little thicker so it can make a burrow? What do I need to know abotu pistol shrimp.


Active Member
I have alittle one in my 15 gal with a randall goby. He made lots of tunnels and caves for him and his goby friend. I did think the goby would feed his little friend, but so far, he doesn't, I have to throw pellets into their burrow. Goby comes out to feed himself, but not his shrimp that i have seen. Some times they both sit side by side poking out of 1 of the caves, really cute to see.
I have a 3 to 4 inch sand bed, I think you can get by with about 2 inches, but would do 3 to be safe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I have alittle one in my 15 gal with a randall goby. He made lots of tunnels and caves for him and his goby friend. I did think the goby would feed his little friend, but so far, he doesn't, I have to throw pellets into their burrow. Goby comes out to feed himself, but not his shrimp that i have seen. Some times they both sit side by side poking out of 1 of the caves, really cute to see.
I have a 3 to 4 inch sand bed, I think you can get by with about 2 inches, but would do 3 to be safe.
hey i know this is a little off topis i have a nano i guess its a 3o gallon tank i have used 20 lbs of live sand and its a little less than an inch in some places and thin in some places. im sorta new with this i havent ever thought of it buttttt... is this safe all i have in there are a few fish and some clean up crew