Shrimp Goby vs. Randall Pistol Shrimp


New Member
Ever heard of this happening? I have a pink spotted shrimp goby 3.5 inches long. I wanted to introduce a pistol shrimp for the goby and purchased a Randall's Pistol Shrimp. After drip aclimation, I put the pistol shrimp in the tank (120 reef). Within 3 seconds, the goby ate the pistol shrimp whole! What is up with that, besides a huge waste of money?


Active Member
Wow... That's messed up.
I bought a tiger pistol and a watchman this morning and my pistol is dying on me


New Member
I think the problem was they were not introduced at the same time. I have seen the relationships between gobys and shrimp before, so I was very excited when the goby swam over to the shrimp. I thought, "Cool, he is going to want to be with him." Then he sucked him in his mouth and I thought, "Well, maybe he is going to carry him to his favorite spot." When he started to munch and pieces of the shrimp came floating out of his mouth, I knew that was not the plan. Damm......


How common is this? I was planning to get a pistol shrimp with my next order. My goby is about 2.5"


New Member
I sent and email to the company I purchased the Pistol from and asked the same question. Aparently this is not a very common occurance. Their answer to me was, "Sounds like the goby was hungry." I guess that could have been the case, but I have 5 other shrimp in the tank as part of the janitorial service and he never bothered them. Really what I was hoping from the email to the company was, "Geeze, sorry to hear that, would you like a credit for the purchase?" Seemed like a fair option to me, since they advertised the Pistol as acceptable for a symbiotic relationship with the goby. My suggestion if you are planning on introducing the pistol, feed the goby until it can't move, then add the pistol!


Well I dont think that they would have given you a credit for the eaten pistol. I mean logically it isnt their fault your goby ate the shrimp. I do know where you are coming from with the relationship part of it. Naturally they should get along and not eat each other. Hopefully you have better luck with the next shrimp


I just bought a pistol shrimp and he just arrived at my desk. He's sitting in the bag looking at me right now. He gets to go see his new home on my lunch break. There isn't a shrimp goby to eat him yet in the tank. Glad I got the shrimp first! Sorry to hear of the loss.
Sounds like youre goby eats better than I do!