shrimp goby


New Member
I have a 12 gallon tank and want a shrimp goby/pistol pair. What is the most active shrimp goby? I want one that I will actually see alot since it is a smaller tank which means less things in it. I realize it depends on the fish itself, but what kind of experience have you all had with them?


Active Member
i think they are all same just different colors... i dont really know, i dont have experience with them.
in my opinion i think the aurora goby is the nicest. they are around 20 bucks maybe even cheaper.


Active Member
I had a shrimp goby for a couple months but it died for some reason.
He was very active but the only thing I did not like was his constant spitting of sand on my polyps. He would get mouth fulls and swim up my rock work and spit