Shrimp ID needed please


Active Member
screw up at the fish shop - they got someone else's box o' stuff and were relying on the suppliers ID 'cuz it wasn't something they ordered. Pretty sure their supplier screwed up twice though, because Genus was listed as Heliofungia which, although an invertebrate, ain't no shrimp...
So not being able to resist odd decopods, here it am:

It's definitely a she, 'cuz she's really pregnant (brown is the egg sac). 'Bout 1/2" body, claws are reminiscent of CBS, but much finer. Her head looks a little like cauliflower, and the color in the pic doesn't do it justice. It's a rich buttery yellow. The pic is close on dimensions, her right claw is about 25% longer than her left.
LFS has another about 1/2 the size which I'm now suspecting is the male. I'd hate to split them up 'cuz they're oddly cute.
I can't find a thing on Google. Even a genus would be a good start. Any clues?


I'm not sure on the Species, will have to research a little more for you later, but that's an awesome shrimp.
Edit: I'd have to guess that its of the Periclimenes genus, but can't confirm.


Active Member
yeah - I gotta agree there too.
LFS ID'd the species as a Commensal, but the Genus they listed is incorrect as far as I can tell.
She's now happily bopping around the tank, waving her antennae and digging for food. Seems quite well adapted for the 3 hrs she's been there so far.
Mostly what I'm trying to figure out is if I split her up from her mate. I don't want to have done that.
(btw, like the new avatar Henry. Some kinda Barnacle Blenny?)


So I've been doing some research. Apparently the Heliofungia was not too far off.
The species is Periclimenes kororensis - Heliofungia Shrimp. They are commensal to Heliofungia Long Tentical Plate Corals...
If this gal was with another one that looks identical to this one, I would guess that they were mates.


Active Member
yep she was, but the other was much smaller, which leads me to believe it's the male.
The one I've got is now hanging out in my Yellow Polyps

Thanks for your help.