Shrimp Killer?


New Member
I added a cleaner shrimp to my tank this weekend and when I checked the tank the next day all i found was his body. What could have killed him?
I have an arrow crab, 3 emerald crabs, Many blue leg hermits, scarlet crabs, and some snails


Could be that he just molted. My peppermint shrimp did that the day after I got him - I thought he was dead... little pieces of his body everywhere. 2 weeks later I saw him hanging out between 2 rocks! He's molted again since... I didn't freak out when I saw his molt sucked up to the filter intake. He's fine! Maybe yours is, too.... just a thought.


New Member
I dont think so when I took it out it was very meaty not like shedded skin. Also as i went to get my net to get him out of there the arrow crab was munching on the shrimp. Would he have killed it?

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by cjdjok
I dont think so when I took it out it was very meaty not like shedded skin. Also as i went to get my net to get him out of there the arrow crab was munching on the shrimp. Would he have killed it?
possibly but not exactly, the critters started to eat him after he was already diying. or the critters catched him sleeping


New Member
I also havent seen my large sea hare in the last 4 or 5 days are they known for hiding? He is rather large and always out and about but cant find him