Shrimp or Hermit crabs


Member depends what you want...
As far as scavenging goes, shrimps and hermit crabs seem to be just as good. I have a cleaner and a coral banded who are always scavenging as well as hermits, they do their job and dont mess with each other...
But if you want stuff to eat your algae, then you want hermits, cause as far as I know shrimp will not eat algae at all. Sure you can get snails for algae but in my experience they leave rocks alone while hermits go for it like mad....
so basically,
Shrimp - scavenger / fish cleaners
Hermit - scavenger / rock and sand algae eater
Snail - glass algae eater
thats how things have been for me, hope it helps ^__^


yeah so far the only reason i thought of this is because hermits are destructive and knock coral and rocks over, where as i have never seen like peppermint shrimp knock over polyps. if i'm mistaken and shrimp do knock things over i guess the only answer would be glue.


I have a few different cleaners in my big tank and all live peacfully together. I have peppermint and skunk cleaners and harlequin(not really a cleaner),Different types of snails as they are my favorite cleaners as they will do the glass and sand and rocks,as far as crabs i have everything from emerald crabs,blue leg,scarlet,and white ones from the beach(white ones just wont dye lol) all have been reef safe and have had no problems with any but the big mexican turbo snails as they "move" coral out of their way.