shrimp or not


Shrimp or not to shrimp, that is the question. 26g tank up since Thursday with 45lb lr. I had originally planned on leaving the lr cycle the tank. With the die off from the lr, is that enough to cylce or do I need to add a shrimp? Also, do I need to scrub of the white spots? If so should I take them out of the tank to do so. Waiting for the arival of my test kits, so no values yet.
Thanks, Jeff


Did the lr come from lfs or from online? If from lfs, probably not much die-off (if only out of water for an hour or so). May take longer than you want to cycle. I would add a piece of shrimp to speed up the cycle.

nm reef

Active Member
If the LR was un-cured it will provide plenty of die off to initiate a cycle. It may take a bit longer than boosting it via fish or raw shrimp...but the time is worth the effort...remember nothing goes quick in this hobby and patience is a virtue.
As for cleaning off the LR....during the cycle I'd suggest using a turkey baster to blow off stuff from the LR...and use a machanical filter of some kind to filter away the larger stuff...possibly even use a net to manually remove larger stuff.
My first system was basically cycled with 50 lbs of un-cured LR and when I set up a larger display I plan to cycle with at least 100 lbs of un-cured LR...great way to establish a new system in my opinion.

NMREEF website
“Whiskey for my for my horses.”


lr came from online source. I do have some white spots that I kinda brushed off with my hand when I rearanged the rock (already). I don't plan on putting any fish in till mid Aug. anyway, so I am in no rush. But I will put a shrimp in to help things out.
Thanks, Jeff


lr was cured. I do have a skilter (not in use) so I should put that on for a little while? I am also running a CPR refugium with ls and lr but no macro yet, when should I add that and where should I get some from?
Thanks, Jeff


I am not sure if you know anything about that Skilter, but it is a piece of crap. I have one and I have had trouble with it. Do a search for Skilter on the forums and read up on what other people are saying. There is also a Skilter modification that I am about to try. Some people say it helps out a lot. If the modification does not work, i am going to upgrade to the CPR pak-pak 2.


Was only gonna use the skilter for the bilogical filter while the tank cycled then take it off. I didn't like it when I used it before, loud and didn't put out much foam.
thanks, Jeff


You probably won't have a problem then, but I am still kind of new at this hobby. I just wanted to give my opinion about the Skilter. Maybe someone else can answer that question better than me. Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
I do not agree with cycling with dead shrimp. Live fish such as mollies, provide urea, carbon dioxide, slime and everythign else the is associated with a living fish. And those are at a constant level. A dead shrip will kick off the nitrogen cycle in a hugh spike then taper off. That can lead to cloudy, smelly water as the bacteria bloom and then die off.
I have also found that adding a molly and then not feeding him for a week works fine and the fish does not die.